Friday, October 23, 2009

Anxiety Panic Attack

Anxiety panic attack otherwise known as anxiety disorder is a psychiatric disorder causing feelings of persistent anxiety e.g. panic disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder.
It usually happen without pre-information, therefore could happen while shopping, eating, walking or even at a relax point.

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Usually, this attack is inevitable in our lives because it is a common feeling in humans. Due to lack of its pre-warning and hidden symptoms it can easily become so intense that it can even claim live. The worst of all is that the attack invariably imprisoned its victim because there will be great fear of going out which restricts interactions between the victim and people. The anticipatory attacks are usually greater than the existing attack.

The manifested signs of anxiety panic attacks are temporary lost of memory, shivery, high blood pressure, dizziness, tiredness and restless.

The duration which the attack last depends on the intensity of the piled causes of the attack
but, ideally it doesn’t need to exceed 30minute to 1 hour.

The causes of this anxiety panic attack are stresses which could result from long duration of labor, shocks from divorce or lost of beloved one, nutritional and life styles such as alcohol, tobacco smoking and some medication containing caffeine.
The hereditary aspect cannot be overemphasized as some of the attacks can be traced to family history.

In summary, proper medical check up and some natural treating methods such as breathing techniques, thinking reorganization and relaxation methods could be a great source of preventing anxiety panic attacks.

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