Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Treating Panic Attack

In a real world, solution to any problem starts by understanding the source of the problem, so also applicable to panic attack treatment. Therefore, before going deep in the search for cure of panic attack the causes most be made elaborate.

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Panic attack otherwise known as anxiety disorder, is a psychiatric disorder causing feelings of persistent fear and pessimism. It is marked with intense apprehension of fear. It is so deadly that it suddenly terminates the life of the patients if not detected in time.

The major causes of this menace are stress which could be as a result long working hours, shock which could equally be as a result of lost of beloved one, divorce and suffer of defeat in any form of competition.

The understanding of the symptoms in ones life is very vital to early detection and treatment of panic attack. The symptoms start by strange behavior by the patient. Such as being in isolation from friends and associates, constant confusion in one’s life, always sad, angry and emotionally disordered, at extreme cases it may make one feel lost in the midst of people.

In addition, other forms of symptoms are temporary lost of memory, shivery, high blood pressure, dizziness, tiredness, restless and constant headache.

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All these mentioned above can be easily identified by people around the patient but the medical aspect of it is left to we the professionals who know the brain chemical imbalance panic attack can cause to the victim. The psychological effect of panic attack could cause damage to chemical such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.

Finally, having known the definition of panic attack, symptoms and causes, it is imperative that the treatment can easily be done by conditioning the mind set of the victim through exposing the person to his favorite’s music, movies, environment during the attack. Invariably, placing the person in a high relaxing point during the attack.

Medically, such person should be placed in anesthetic drugs which induces sleep and unfeeling to the patient, the fact is that, it must be administered by a professional who can easily ascertain the proper dosage to be administered.

Monday, November 2, 2009

How To Stop Panic Attack

It has been a long time dream of medical personnel to put a halt to panic attack by various means which some have yielded good results while some havn’t. Stopping panic attack can not be achieved without knowing the causes and symptoms of panic attack.

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Basically, study has shown that 80% of panic attack is more of psychological than medical, so, how to stop panic attack starts with knowing causes such as:

  1. Alcohols
  2. Shocks
  3. Stress
  4. hereditary


Taken of excess alcohols have shown to have much adverse effect to people than its benefit to the health. Research has shown that excess alcohols cause’s spots on the veins invariably disrupting the flow of blood to the heart and this cause a health disorder of persistent fear to the victim.


This is an unexpected, intense, and distressing experience that has a sudden and powerful effect on somebody’s emotions or physical reaction. Also it can be said to be a physiological collapse, marked by weak pulse, coldness, sweating and irregular breathing, and resulting from situation such as blood loss, hearth failure, allergic reaction, lost of beloved one, suffer of defeat and divorce.

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This is a mental, physical and emotional strain caused by putting a long period of time in work.

It has the ability of raising ones blood pressure and depression invariably causing a state of restlessness which usually leads to panic attack.


The act of persistent fear in ones life which is the major cause of panic attack could be from gene which means that the cause of panic attack can be transferred from parent to offspring even from generation to generation.

In summary, it is obvious that how to stop panic attack begins with knowing the causes and symptoms which are listed above. You will believe with me that little could be done medically to stop panic attack rather a good life style and a prepared mind to absorb all forms shock is the best means of stopping panic attack.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Herbal Remedies For Anxiety

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Herbal remedies for anxiety has been known for ages. The only question begging for an answer is how popular or how knowledgeable where the people of then, when it come anxiety and its solution?

This question needs an answer because hardly will you open any health magazine or search on wealth websites without seeing a herbal remedy for anxiety. Though, they talk of remedy, but it is crucial to know exactly what the problem is before choosing any means of the remedy. This means that the knowledge is widely known and spread.

English Encarta dictionary defines anxiety as a medical condition marked by intense apprehension or fear of real or imagined danger. It is a condition of persistence expectation of evil in one’s life. This could be disastrous to the person’s life in totality.

Excess of anxiety creates high rate of confusion in one’s life, makes one feel sad, angry and emotional disorder. In fact, it makes one feel lost in the mist of many and renders one useless both to himself or herself and to the society in general.

When struck by anxiety everything about the person changes though may not be noticed by the infected person but friends and family members knows by sensing of strange behavior which is characterized by being pessimistic in all his or her sayings and doings. This could happen to anybody even the most quite and calm.

We the doctors have much to do for an anxiety patient but bulk of the work must be done by the patient since the latest research shows that 80% of the problem could be psychological. So the effective herbal remedies for anxiety is the change of one’s mind and thinking toward anything bordering him or her.

The psychological effect anxiety causes damage to some chemicals in the brain such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. It is expected that apart from the conditioning of such patient mind any other remedy should be capable putting those chemical in order. Any thing short of that, the herbal remedies for anxiety doesn’t worth trying.

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Anxiety Panic Attack

Anxiety panic attack otherwise known as anxiety disorder is a psychiatric disorder causing feelings of persistent anxiety e.g. panic disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder.
It usually happen without pre-information, therefore could happen while shopping, eating, walking or even at a relax point.

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Usually, this attack is inevitable in our lives because it is a common feeling in humans. Due to lack of its pre-warning and hidden symptoms it can easily become so intense that it can even claim live. The worst of all is that the attack invariably imprisoned its victim because there will be great fear of going out which restricts interactions between the victim and people. The anticipatory attacks are usually greater than the existing attack.

The manifested signs of anxiety panic attacks are temporary lost of memory, shivery, high blood pressure, dizziness, tiredness and restless.

The duration which the attack last depends on the intensity of the piled causes of the attack
but, ideally it doesn’t need to exceed 30minute to 1 hour.

The causes of this anxiety panic attack are stresses which could result from long duration of labor, shocks from divorce or lost of beloved one, nutritional and life styles such as alcohol, tobacco smoking and some medication containing caffeine.
The hereditary aspect cannot be overemphasized as some of the attacks can be traced to family history.

In summary, proper medical check up and some natural treating methods such as breathing techniques, thinking reorganization and relaxation methods could be a great source of preventing anxiety panic attacks.

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